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NSF ANSI 13 pdf free download

NSF ANSI 13 pdf free download.Refuse processors and processing systems.
4.9 Coatings
Coatings containing lead as an intentional ingredient shall not be used. Coatings with an unintentional lead content (lead impurity) greater than 0.06% shall not be used.
4.10 Waste and water fittings
Waste and water fittings attached to the equipment shall comply with the material requirements for the
applicable zones.
5 Design and construction
This section contains design and construction requirements for equipment covered within the scope of this Standard.
5.1 General
Refuse processors shall be manufactured to minimize the harborage of vermin and to permit inspection. maintenance, servicing, and cleaning. The refuse-contact zone shall be easily cleanable in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and so as not to damage the electrical system and other components.
5.2 Joints and seams
In the refuse-contact zone, all permanent joints and seams shall be sealed. Joints may be made by overlapping sheets of metal in a vertical plane to eliminate dirt-catching ledges. Ledges shall be easily cleanable. If exposed to seepage and condensation, joints and seams of integral parts shall be sealed and smooth. The processing chamber shall provide for proper disposal of liquid.
5.3 Fasteners
5.3.1 Fasteners in a refuse-contact zone shall be easily cleanable. Fasteners meeting this requirement include, but are not limited to. slot-head and Phillips-head screws, hex head fasteners. and flush-break pop rivets. Hex key screws and non-flush-break pop rivets may be used in an exterior zone provided that the heads are capped or filled.
5.3.2 Hex key screws and non-flush-break pop rivets may be used in a power zone.
5.3.3 Fasteners shall be tight fitting to the surface except as permitted in 5.3.4.
5.3.4 No more than one locking washer and one flat washer shall be used per fastener head. The diameter of the washer adjacent to the fastening surface shall not be less than the diameter of the washer under the fastener head. External-tooth lock washers shall not be used.
5.3.5 There shall be no more than 2.5 exposed threads or 1/4 in (0.25 in. 6.4 mm) of exposed threads. whichever is less, in a refuse-contact zone. Exposed threads on electrical cord strain relief devices in a nonfood zone shall be exempt.
5.4 Finishing
Surfaces subject to corrosion shall be corrosion resistant or rendered corrosion resistant.
5.5 Reinforcing and framing
5.5.1 Exposed reinforcing and framing members and gussets shall be easily cleanable. Reinforcing and framing members shall be designed and manufactured to prevent the harborage of vermin (see figure 1).
5.5.2 Horizontal angles of reinforcing and framing members and gussets shall not be located where debris may accumulate.
5.5.3 Vertical channels that form hollow sections shall be closed at each end, open at each end, or readily accessible along the entire channel. All other hollow sections shall be closed at each end.
5.5.4 Mechanically handled containers are exempt from the requirements of this section.
5.6 Panels
5.6.1 Fixed
Fixed panels shall conform to requirements applicable to the zone in which the panels are located.
5.6.2 Removable
Where necessary for equipment inspection and maintenance, removable panels of adequate size shall be provided. Each panel shall be sized to permit removal and replacement by one person. Removable panels shall conform to requirements applicable to the zone in which the panels are located.
5.7 Doors and covers
Doors and covers shall be sized to fit the opening and close properly to contain flying debris within the enclosure during operation. Doors and covers that enclose openings and provide access to interior compartments shall be of single- or double-panel construction.NSF ANSI 13 pdf download.


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