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ANSI Z4.1 pdf free download

ANSI Z4.1 pdf free download.In Places of Employment: Minimum Requirements.
5.1.2 Drinking fountains shall be of a type and construction approved by the most current approved release of the International Building Code, Chapter 29 – Plumbing Systems, Section 2902 一Minimum Plumbing Facilities, and the International Plumbing Code, Chapter 4 – Fixtures, Faucets and Fixture Fittings, Section 410 – Drinking Fountains. New installations shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the above references and in accordance with American National Standard for Drinking Fountains and Self- Contained Mechanically Refrigerated Drinking Coolers, ANSI/ARI 1010-2002, or the latest revision thereof approved by the American National Standards Institute. 5.1.3 Where drinking water is cooled by ice, the construction of the container shall be such that the ice does not come in direct contact with any non-potable water sources. All manufactured ice shall be from a potable water source and protected from contamination between the point of manufacture and the point of use. 5.1.4 Containers such as barrels, pails or tanks from which drinking water must be dipped or poured, whether or not they are fitted with a cover, shall not be allowed. 5.1.5 Where single-serve cups (to be used only once) are supplied, both a sanitary container for the unused cups and a receptacle for disposing of the used cups shall be provided. Any reusable cups on the premises must have a sanitary method of disinfection (i.e. dishwasher) before another use can occur. 5.2 Non-potable water 5.2.1 Outlets for non-potable water, such as water for industrial or fire-fighting purposes only, shall be clearly identified in accordance with American National Standard Specification for Safety Color Code, ANSI/NEMA Z535- 2011 or the latest revision approved by the American National Standards Institute, to indicate that the water is unsafe and not to be used for drinking, washing or cooking purposes.5.2.3 Design and construction of non-potable water systems shall be such as to prevent backflow of contaminated water into a potable water system, in accordance with the most current adopted release of the International Plumbing Code, Chapter 6 – Water Supply and Distribution, Section 608 – Protections of Potable Water Supply. 5.2.4 Non-potable water shall not be used for drinking, bathing, for washing any portion of the person, or as a source of irrigation at farms with edible vegetation. For washing clothing or dishes using a reclaimed water system, water must be treated to tertiary standards before use, except where as specifically permitted by the health authority having jurisdiction. Grey water systems or recycled waste water systems are permitted for conservation purposes (flushing plumbing systems and rrigation), and shall follow all standards of the most current adopted release of the International Plumbing Code, Chapter 13 – Grey Water Recycling Systems and 5.2.1 above. The employer shall have a written copy of this authorization as documentation and have all non-potable water locations clearly identified with the appropriate signage.6.1.3 Fixtures shall be provided for each gender. The number to be provided for each gender shall in every case be based on the maximum number of occupants on the premises for which the facilities are furnished as stated in references given in 6.1.2. For conditions of temporary employment locations, the number to be provided in every case will be based on the maximum number of persons employed at any one time, during a regular 40-hour workweek shift on site, for which the facilities are furnished, and should be referenced to ANSI/PSAI Z4.3-2016 For Sanitation: Non-Sewered Waste Disposal Systems – Minimum Requirements. When persons other than employees are permitted the use of toilet facilities on the premises, a reasonable allowance shall be made for such other persons in estimating the minimum number of fixtures required.ANSI Z4.1 pdf download.


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