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ANSI X9 TR 50 pdf free download

ANSI X9 TR 50 pdf free download.Quantum Techniques in Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS).
5.1 Non-cryptographic Use Cases for Quantum Computers
Quantum computers open the doors to potential new technologies that, if realized, will have massive positive benefits to industry and society. These technologies can be realized by either a universal quantum computer, or in some cases, by more specialized quantum-enabled devices. Below are some of the most impactful (noncryptographic) uses for these devices.
5.1.1 Proprietary Drug Design
Even relatively simple problems in chemistry can be very difficult to solve on a classical computer. Moreover, the complexity of these problems increases dramatically even if only a few extra atoms are considered. For example, “exactly computing the energies of methane (CH4) takes about one second, but the same calculation takes about ten minutes for ethane (C2H6) and about ten days for propane (C3H8)” [5]. Hence, simulating and modelling very complex chemical interactions is not a tractable problem on classic architectures. However, it is thought that these types of simulations could be carried out by a large-scale quantum computer. Drug design thus gains considerable improvement by harnessing the powers of quantum computation [3] and [4].
One possible use case for such complex modelling is using an individual’s genomic data to design pharmaceuticals specialized for that person’s body. It is thought that such proprietary drugs would be more effective than their generic counterparts.
5.1.2 Material Science
Conventionally, superconductive materials need to be kept extremely cold to reach a superconductive state. In fact, if such a state is reached when liquid nitrogen is used as the coolant, then that conductor is generally thought of as a high-temperature superconductor. Much colder temperatures are often required for a material to reach a superconductive state.
Superconductive materials experience substantially less energy loss than non-superconductive alternatives and so, if one uses room temperature superconductive materials they may, for example, realize less costs and increase efficiency in their enterprise. One particularly attractive use for such materials is in electrical power lines; It is estimated that in between 2011 and 2015, about 5% of energy was lost while being transmitted over the US electrical grid per year—.
It is not yet clear if materials that are superconductive at room temperature can be constructed at scale; and indeed, the proposition that such materials could ever be constructed has generated some controversy. However, clear progress towards high-temperature superconductors has been made [7][8][9]. It is conceivable then that with a quantum computer, one could model the complex physics necessary to design, for example, transmission lines which can retain a larger percentage of energy.
5.1.3 Big Data and Unstructured Searches
Many modern organizations, enterprises, and governmental bodies rely on vast quantities of data for their day to day operations. The data in these reserves is not always specialized to particular areas but can instead be seemingly arbitrary and unstructured. Massive reserves of data are unwieldy and the problems of finding a specific datum within the set, or performing analyses of the data become very difficult. Quantum search algorithms such as the generalized version of Grover’s Algorithm [22] (cf. subsection 5.2.2), or quantum-aided machine learning techniques [12] lend themselves nicely to these sorts of problems.ANSI X9 TR 50 pdf download.


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