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ANSI X9.100-140 pdf free download

ANSI X9.100-140 pdf free download.Image Replacement Document – IRD.
This region shall be present and contain the following:
The front image of the original check shall be inserted in Region 1 F with the image scaled to obtain the maximum use of this region while maintaining the aspect ratio (width to height) of the original document. The resulting scaled image shall be anchored at the lower right corner of this region adjacent to a right “Margin Area” 0.250 inch wide along the leading edge of the IRD and equal to the height of 1 F.
This region shall be 5.750 inches wide by 2.750 inches high and shall be located, when viewing its face, in the upper right corner of the IRD directly adjacent to Region 5F and the right “Margin Area” at the leading edge. This region shall also be directly below a nominal “No Print Area” 0.1995 inch high along the full width of the top of the IRD. This “No Print Area” at the top of the IRD ensures the MICR clear band is free of magnetic ink when multiple IRDs are printed on a single page. The “No Print Area” is a reference dimension with no tolerance. The “No Print Area” will vary from 0.023 inch minimum to 0.376 inch maximum as a result of the tolerances associated with the overall height of the IRD, the height of Region 1 F and the location of the Data Print Boundary Line above Region
If the IRD is a Forward Subsequent IRD or a Subsequent IRD Used for Return, this region shall contain the same Region 1 F area clipped from the full image of the previously created IRD. The dimensions and location of the clipped Region 1 F shall be the same as stated above. Clipped Region 1 F shall exclude the left and right “Margin Area”, “No Print Area” at the top of the IRD, Region 2F, Region 3F, Region 4F, Region 5F, Region 6F, Region 7F and Region 8F. See Annex E Figures E.3 and E.8 for examples of the clipped area of Region 1 F and Region 2F. This region shall be present with the printed image of the original check or the printed clipped image of Region 1 F of a previous IRD.
The document image shall be oriented so that written information is in its normal reading orientation. The printed image shall be representative of the original document (check or IRD) and shall accurately and legibly represent all of the information on the front of the original check or the clipped area of an IRD. The image is not required to be a faithful representation of the original check. Regulation CC requires an accurate representation of information present on the front of the check at the time the original check was truncated or sufficient information to determine whether or not a claim is valid. If illegible information on the original is accurately reproduced, then this satisfies the accurate representation requirement. Payment instructions placed on the original document or authorized by the drawer such as amount, payee and drawer’s signature must be accurately represented since that information is essential for a negotiable instrument. An IRD is not required to capture other characteristics of the check, such as watermarks, microprinting or other physical security features that cannot survive the imaging process. (See Regulation CC Section §229.51 Commentary.) Any image compression scheme, image type (black / white or gray) and/or printing technique (halftone I threshold) may be used as long as source document legibility and usability are maintained.
This region may contain text overlays. See Clause 6.1.7 for the text overlay associated with the Conditional Return Reason Region.
The layout of this region is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. See Annex E for examples.
The following method shall be used to determine the presence of a strip. The resulting minimum height size of a qualified IRD after the qualified strip is removed is 3.5317 inches. If this IRD is subsequently re-stripped with a minimum height correction strip, the minimum height of a stripped IRD shall be no larger than 4.1567 inches. The resulting maximum height of a qualified IRD after a minimum height sized strip is removed is 3.8023 inches. The maximum height of a forward IRD is 3.7295 inches. Therefore the worst case maximum height of an un-stripped IRD is 3.8023 inches and the worst case minimum height of a stripped IRD is 4.1567 inches, resulting in a range of 0.3544 inch. Half of this range added to the minimum un-stripped height yields a cropping decision dimension of
3.9795 inches or 3.98 inches. If the image height is calculated to be less than or equal to 3.98 inches, the image shall be considered un-stripped and the clipping reference dimension shall not be adjusted from 0.7175 inch. If the image height is calculated to be greater than 3.98 inches, the image shall be considered stripped and the clipping dimension shall be adjusted to 1.4050 inches as described above. All vertical clipping dimensions referenced from the Data Print Boundary Line remain the same; only the Data Print Boundary location is shifted by the alternate clipping dimensions.ANSI X9.100-140  pdf download.


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