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ANSI SCTE 236 pdf free download

ANSI SCTE 236 pdf free download.Content Metadata.
6.1.2. Terms
Pricing, content restrictions, and royalty information are bundled together to create a set of Terms. These terms represent the business agreements that accompany an offer and may be reused in more than one offer. The terms apply to all of the content included with the offer.
6.1.3. category
A Category defines a set of category paths that are used for presentation in a VOD menu system.
6.1.4. ContentGroup
A ContentGroup is a combination of all of the related content (movies, previews, images, etc.) with its Title metadata. A Title is presumed to always be included and at least one form of content. Groupings of content may be reused by combining them with terms to create different offers.
A ContentGroup may contain multiple types of content or multiple versions of the same content. For example, a content group could contain metadata for both the standard and HD version of the same movie, if the two are interchangeable and can be represented by the same set of terms in the referencing offer.
6.1.5. Title
The Title defines the descriptive metadata for a movie or set of movies (or programs). This may be information that is used for actual display on the user’s screen (e.g., Name of the movie, Actors), or may be used in the VOD system for classification or display constraints (e.g., Rating). Titles ny be shared between different content groups, but oniy one title will be associated with a given content group.
6.1.6. contentAsset
ContentAsset is the metadata asset that represents the actual content files distributed to the end system. Audio Video ContentAsset
This category of ContentAsset includes Movies, Previews, and Barkers. A Movie is the actual audio video content that’s being offered to the user and is subject to the terms referenced in the offer. A Preview is an audio video promotion for the same movie, hut is assumed to not be subject to the price expressed in the terms unless otherwise agreed. Note that a Movie can actually he any type of audio video content rhere the terms apply (e.g., TV program, pre-recorded event, etc.).
A Barker is a form of promotional content that is typically played in a continuous loop. It is usually not associated with a single Movie, hut is provided in a separate content group for a particular category of content. Stilllmage ContentAsset
The Still Image ContentAsset category includes Posters, BoxCovers, and Thumbnails that may be used to promote a Movie. It is often used as part of a user-selection screen in a VOD menu or EPG. Trick ContentAsset
A Trick is a special type of ContentAsset that is associated with a Movie or Preview and includes preprocessed images to display during fast forward or rewind operations. Extending the model with new ContentAssets
The ContentGroup may be extended to include new types of content that are not currently anticipated in this specification.
6.1.7. Advertisement
An Advertisement is a specialized form of a Title asset that includes a reference to the Ad-ID schema for expressing metadata specific to ads. An Advertisement may be used in place of a Title in the ContentGroup if the corresponding content is indeed an ad.
6.1.8. SignaiGroup
A SignaiGroup is a collection of Signal Points and/or SignalRegions. Signals are points or regions, constrained by 2 points of interest, and are essentially identified time indexes related to a video asset.
Signal metadata may contain additional information about how it was acquired from a corresponding in- band signal. Signal point positions within an asset may be based on a fixed time index and/or contain data to support association with an in-band signal.
6.1.9. PlacementOpportunityGroup
A PlacernentOpportunityGroup is a collection of PlacementOpportunityPoints and PlacementOpportunityRegions along with an expression of various rules regarding the placement opportunity. The points and regions will typically correspond with Signal points and regions associated with the video content.
6.2. Specification Components
This specification consists of the following elements:
1. This specification document, which is normative except as otherwise noted.
2. The associated XML schema files are listed in the table below and are normative.ANSI SCTE 236 pdf download.


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