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ANSI SCTE 173-1 pdf free download

ANSI SCTE 173-1 pdf free download.Requirements for Preferential Telecommunications over IPCablecom Networks.
Assured capabilities – Capabilities providing high confidence or certainty that critical
telecommunications are available and perform reliably.
Authentication -The act or method used to verify a claimed identity. Authorization – The act of determining if a particular privilege, such as access to telecommunications resources, can be granted to the presenter of a particular credential.
CM — Cable Modem
CMS – Call Management Server
Emergency situation – A situation, of serious nature, that develops suddenly and unexpectedly. Extensive immediate important efforts, facilitated by telecommunications, may be required to restore a state of normality to avoid further risk to people or property. If this situation escalates, it may become a crisis andlor disaster.
International emergency situation – An emergency situation, across international boundaries, that affects more than one country.
Label – An identifier occurring within or attached to data elements. In the context of preferential telecommunications it is an indication of priority. This idcntiter can be used as a mapping mechanism between different network priority levels.
MTA -Media Terminal Adapter
Off-Net – Not on an lPCablecom Network.
On-Net – On an IPCablecom Network.
PIN — Personal Identification Number
Policy – Rules (or methods) for allocating telecommunications network resources among types of traffic that may he differentiated by labels.
Preferential – A capability offering advantage over regular capabilities.
Priority treatment capabilities – Capabilities that provide premium access to, and/or use of telecommunications network resources.
PSTN — Public Switched Telephone Network
Y. 1271 “Framework(s) on Network Requirements and Capabilities to Support Emergency
Communications Over Evolving Circuit Switched and Packet Switched Networks”
(1 0/2004).
E. 106 “International Emergency Preference Scheme for Disaster Relief Operations (IEPS)” (10/2003).
These architectural cases are defined in order to provide the different cases that need to be specified.
4.1 IPCablecom to/from PSTN
This case includes calls made from the PSTN (Off-Net) to the IPCablecom Network (On-Net) as well as calls made On-Net to Off-Net.
4.2 On-Net to On-Net
These three cases include calls made from a user on an IPCablecom Network to a user on the same (or another) IPCablecom network.
4.2.1 Intra-zone
Intra-zone defines calls that remain within the technical control of a single CMS.
4.2.2 Inter-zone, Intra-domain
Inter-zone, intra-domain defines calls that remain within the domain of a single Kerberos Realm, but travel beyond the technical control of one CMS.
4.2.3 Inter-domain
The inter-domain case is not within the current scope of this Specification.
ANSI SCTE 173-1 pdf download.


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