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ANSI SCTE 09 pdf free download

ANSI SCTE 09 pdf free download.Test Method for Cold Bend.
4. Equipment 4.1. Environmental chamber An environmental chamber shall have size, dimension and temperatures capable of performing the test described herein. The environmental chamber must be capable of maintaining PVC conditioning temperatures from -40° C士1 C° (-40° F士1.8F°) for 24 hours or forPE -55°C士1 C°, (-67°F士1.8 F°) for 24 hours. 4.2. Test mandrels Test mandrels shall have a diameter that is ten times the Cable Diameter (10 x Nominal Cable Diameter) rounded to the nearest / inch土5%. For example, for 6 Series Quadshield cable with an outside diameter of 0.297 inches, requires a mandrel overall diameter of 3.0 inches士5%.
5. Test Samples The cable sample should be long enough to make 4 complete wraps around the mandrel as defined in paragraph 3.1. 6. Measurements of Test Method One end of cable sample shall be clamped onto the mandrel which has a diameter in accordance with paragraph 4.2. w rap the cable sample around the mandrel for one full turn and place in an environmental chamber in accordance with paragraph 4.1 and conditioned for 2 hours minimum at the desired test temperature. (Note: Refer to the cable specification or test protocol for test temperature; i.e. ANSI/SCTE 74 2011). During the conditioning period, the unwrapped portion of the cable sample shall be kept reasonably straight. This can be achieved by attaching a small weight (2 to 5 pounds) to the end of the cable sample (see Figure 1). After the conditioning period and while the cable sample is still at the test temperature, the cable sample shall be wrapped around the mandrel for three (3) full and close turns. The mandrel shall be turned at a uniform rate of 15土3 revolutions per minute during this operation. . After the cable sample has been wrapped around the mandrel, open environmental chamber door and remove the mandrel and cable sample from the environmental chamber without disturbing the cable sample. Condition of cable sample should be at room temperature for 1 hour minimum. 7. Inspection Unwind the cable sample from the mandrel and examine for cracks, flaws or other damage in the jacket material excluding the area of the cable sample that was clamped to the mandrel and or weight. Any cracks, flaws or other damage are cause for failure.Record the sample identification, jacket type, diameter over jacket (DOJ), mandrel diameter, and visual inspection recording if the sample passed or failed as outlined in table 1.
ANSI SCTE 09 pdf download.


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