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ANSI N42.48 pdf free download

ANSI N42.48 pdf free download.American National Standard Performance Requirements for Spectroscopic Personal Radiation Detectors (SPRDs) for Homeland Security.
detector: A device or component designed to produce a quantifiable response to ionizing radiation normally measured electronically.
effective center: For a given set of irradiation conditions, the point within a detector where the
response is equivalent to that which would be produced if the entire detector were located at that point.
effective range of measurement: Range of measurements within which the requirements of this standard are met.
exposure: The measure of ionization produced in air by x- or gamma-radiation.
NOTE—The special unit of exposure rate is the roentgen per hour, abbreviated in this standard as RJh.
false alarm: Alarm not caused by a radioactive source under the specified background conditions.
indication: Displayed signal from the instrument to the user conveying information such as scale or decade, status, malfunction, or other critical information.
influence quantity: Quantity that may have a bearing on the result of a measurement without being the subject of the measurement.
instrument: A complete system consisting of one or more assemblies designed to quantify one or more characteristics of ionizing radiation or radioactive material.
monitoring: Means provided to continuously indicate the state or condition of a system or assembly. NOTE—Monitoring may also be used for the real-time measurement of radioactivity or radiation levels.
point of measurement: Place at which the conventionally true values are determined and at which the reference point of the instrument is placed for test purposes.
preventive radiological nuclear detection equipment: Instrumentation used to detect radioactive material out of regulatory control.
NOTE—Material out of regulatory control includes illicit radioactive material that may be a radiological threat. range: All values lying between the lower and upper detection limits.
reading: The indicated or displayed value of the readout.
readout: The portion of the instrument that provides a visual display of the reading of the instrument or the displayed value, with units displayed and/or recorded by the instrument as a result of the instrument’s response to some influence quantity.
response: Ratio of the instrument reading to the conventionally true value of the measured quantity.
restricted mode: An operating mode that can be accessed by an expert user (e.g., via password) to control the parameters that can affect the result of a measurement (i.e., radionuclide library, routine function control, calibration parameters, alarm thresholds, etc.).
NOTE—Restricted mode may be called the “advanced” or “expert” mode.
standard deviation: The positive square root of the variance.
4.1 Standard test conditions The required standard test conditions for environmental quantities, such as temperature and atmospheric pressure, as well as those for other quantities that may influence the performance of instruments, are given in Table 1. These conditions shall be met, except where the effect of the condition or quantity itself is being tested. Environmental quantities, such as temperature and humidity, are referred to as “influence quantities.’ Except where otherwise specified, the tests in this standard shall be carried out under the standard test conditions shown in Table 1. For those tests intended to determine the effects of variations in the influence quantities, all other influence quantities should be maintained within the limits for standard test conditions given in Table 1, unless otherwise specified in the test method.ANSI N42.48  pdf download.


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