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ANSI ISEA 105 pdf free download

ANSI ISEA 105 pdf free download.American| National Standard for Hand Protection Classification.
3. Definitions
These definitions provide the meanings of the terms in the context of this standard. Many of the terms have broader meanings in other technical and non-technical contexts.
3.1 Definitions of Glove Responses to Stress
resistance (to a stressor): A property of a glove
that permits it to withstand change when stressed.
protection (from a stressor): A property that prevents or reduces deleterious effects on the wearer of a glove when stressed.
NOTE: The distinction between resistance and protection cannot always be clearly drawn. For example, if the stressor is a sharp edge, cut resistance is a property that reduces damage both to the glove and to the wearer.
3.2 Definitions Related to Chemical Effects
Chemical resistance and protection from chemicals are strongly interrelated. Of the three effects of chemicals defined below, one relates to the effects on the gloves and the other two represent routes by which chemicals can reach the wearer.
degradation: A deleterious change in one or more properties of a glove due to contact with a chemical. Rubber gloves may swell, soften and weaken; plastic gloves may shrink, stiffen, harden, and crack when flexed.
penetration: The flow of a chemical through a glove on a non-molecular level through porous materials, seams, and pinholes or other imperfections in the barrier film. The gaps in the barrier are visible, although a magnifying glass or microscope may be needed to see them. Pathways for penetration may occur as the result of degradation when a chemical or physical stressor comes in contact with the glove material.
permeation: The flow of a chemical through the barrier layer of a glove on a molecular level. This process involves:
• absorption of the chemical onto and into the outside of a glove;
• diffusion of the chemical through the glove, as individual molecules pass between molecules of the glove film;
• desorption of the chemical inside the glove.
3.3 Definitions Related to Sampling Procedures
sample: Hand protection material or items removed from a batch or production lot for testing.
specimen: An individual piece or portion of the hand protection item or material to be subjected to testing.
4. Normative References
The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this American National Standard:
ANSI/ASA S2.73-2002 (R2007), Mechanical
Vibration and Shock – Hand-Arm Vibration — Met hods for the Measurement and Evaluation of
the Vibration Transmissibility of Gloves at the Palm
ASTM D3884-09, Standard Guide for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary Platform, Double – Head Method)
ASTM D3389-1 0, Standard Test Method for Coated Fabrics Abrasion Resistance
ASTM F739-1 2, Standard Test Method for
Permeation of Liquids and Gases through
Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of
Continuous Contact.
5. Hand Protection
Classification Gloves shall be classified according to their resulting performance when tested in accordance the specified test method. Where the material in the glove varies, testing of the intended resistance area shall be performed. End-users shall be notified regarding the varying performance levels of these products. Manufacturers shall be permitted to report the classification of specific performance properties for different areas of the hand protection items as long as the identification of the hand protec- tion item areas and their relative performance classifications are clearly described.ANSI ISEA 105 pdf download.


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