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ANSI H35.2 pdf free download

ANSI H35.2 pdf free download.Dimensional Tolerances for Aluminum Mill Products.
2. Standard Limits for Expressing Tolerances
2.1 Standrd llmhs ror expressing the tolera rices depend on the type of instrument ordinarily used in measuring the particular dwnenslon. Where instruments permitting the required degree of accuracy generally are used. the lolerances are expressed in decimals as follows (except for foil):
Tolerance less than 0.005 in. . Multiple ci 0.0005 Tolerance of 0.005 in and greater (LXXX
For measurements commonly made with instrumenls not permitting such accuracy. the tolerances are expressed in frachons.
2.2 Rounding For purposes of determining con. formance to the dimensional tolerances, a measured value is not rounded off. To determine appli cable limits when a dimension is specified to more decimal places than are used in these standards, it shall be rounded off ;o the same number of places in confcanance with ASTM E29. Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Detera mine Conforrrianc.e with Specifications.
3. Applicable Limits
The applicable limits for mechanical properties. physical properties, claddIng thickness, and ultrasonic disconbnuity limits are those that app4y to the specified (ordered)dimension.
Tolerances other than equal bilateral may b specified but shall be within the slandard plus and minus limits for the specified (ordered) dimension.When a specified (ordered) dimenslon is expressed to more decimal places than are used in these standards, applicable limits are determined by rounding off the specified dimension to the same number of places in conformance with the rounding- offmethod ofAS TMrecommended Practice E29.
ANSI H35.2 pdf download.


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