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ANSI GTESS MSE 50028 pdf free download

ANSI GTESS MSE 50028 pdf free download.Superior Energy Performance (SEPTM) – . Requirements for verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition.
9.2 Stage 2 audit
At the beginning of Stage 2, the SEP PV shall confirm the SEn P1 model is ready for assessment:
a) Energy sources have not been left out,
b) Data is not more than 11 months old, and
c) SEP Administrator approvals have been received, if applicable
Methods to collect information shall include verification of data and calculations used to provide the energy performance claim.
The VB shall assess the SEnPI performance improvement in conformity with the requirements of the M&V Protocol, taking into account:
— definition of the energy management system scope and boundaries,
— designated baseline year and achievement period,
— the modeling method from the SEP M& V Protocol
— energy performance improvement,
— scorecard credits, and
— the bottom up comparison” and the related Register of Implemented Energy Performance Improvement Actions.
The SEnPI performance improvement verification steps and the activity required of the SEP PV shall include:
• Verify that energy and related data and other variables used in the analysis are appropriate and representative. The source of the data is from calibrated or revenue meters or billing information.
• Energy models — verify that the energy models were developed in conformity to the requirements of the M& V Protocol and that:
a) variables used in the models can reasonably be expected to be significant drivers of the energy use being modeled,
b) variables not used in the models which could reasonably expect to be significant drivers of energy use have been examined for inclusion in the models,
C) equation coefficients used in the model meet the validity test specified in the M&V Protocol, and
d) coefficients used in the models are reasonable.
• Conditions — verify that the conditions of the facility and its operations existing in the reporting year are consistent with those that existed in the baseline year. If not consistent, verify that changes to the energy performance models have been made that property and adequately account for any changes in conditions that are found to invalidate the historic baseline model.
• SEnPI baseline — verify that the selected baseline year satisfies the requirements of the SEP M& V Protocol.
• SEnPI — verify that the SEP energy performance indicators for the baseline and reporting years are properly calculated using verifiable data in accordance with the SEP M& V Protocol and are accurate representations of energy performance for the defined scope of the EnMS.
• Verify that the energy performance improvement has been calculated in accordance with the SEP M& V Protocol.
• “Bottom Up Comparison” of Projects and Other Energy Performance Improvements in accordance with the SEP M& V Protocol to validate that the energy performance improvement achievement level has been met by examining evidence of improvement through facility, equipment, system process and maintenance and operation upgrades.
• Complete the facility SEP Energy Performance Improvement Report and submit it to the VB.
• VB ensures the SEP Energy Performance Improvement Report is complete and communicates relevant information and data to the SEP Administrator.
The Stage 2 certification and recertification audit may be paused for a maximum period of 30 days in the following circumstances:
During the assessment, it is determined that the organization can achieve the Gold or Platinum performance level, but the organization has applied to the SEP Administrator for the Bronze or Silver level. The pause shall allow the organization to reapply to the SEP Administrator for the gold or platinum performance level and for the VB to review auditor qualifications.
During the assessment, it is determined that the organization needs SEP Administrator approvals that have not been obtained. The pause shall allow the organization to apply for and obtain the needed SEP Administrator approvals.ANSI GTESS MSE 50028  pdf download.


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