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ANSI GTESS MSE 50021 pdf free download

ANSI GTESS MSE 50021 pdf free download.Superior Energy Performance Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems.
4 Energy management system requirements
4.1 General requirements
An SEP scope and boundaries statement shall be established and documented for each facility. The SEP scope must meet the requirements in normative Annex A.
NOTE: For a multi-site organization, each facility needs a scope and boundaries statement for SEP. This is unlike the ISO 50001 scope and boundaries statement, which may address more than one facility.
The scope and boundaries of the EnMS and the SEP facility shall not exclude energy sources. In a multi-site EnMS, energy sources at each facility may differ, but each facility shall not exclude an energy source.
ISO 50001 (EnMS) certification shall be attained prior to or concurrent with SEP certification.
4.2 Management responsibility
Top management is responsible for ensuring the SEnPI is appropriate to the SEP scope and boundaries.
4.3 Energy policy
There are no additional requirements at this time.
4.4 Energy planning
4.4.1 General
The energy planning process shall address the means to achieve the intended SEP performance level.
4.4.2 Legal requirements and other requirements SEP shall be considered an “other requirement.”
4.4.3 Energy review
The energy consumption data and data period shall meet the requirements of the SEP M&V Protocol, including considerations of other relevant variables, such as weather, activity level, and other variables that affect energy performance (see the SEP M&V Protocol). The data shall be collected from the beginning of the baseline period through the achievement period.
In identifying the equipment, systems, and processes that significantly affect energy use and energy consumption, the SEP facility shall develop a list of equipment, systems, processes that together account for 80% of that facility’s annual energy consumption.
4.4.4 Energy baseline
The SEP baseline(s) shall be provided in accordance with the SEP M&V Protocol.
4.4.5 Energy performance indicators The facility shall include the SEnPI in the EnMS.
4.4.6 Energy objectives, energy targets and energy management action plans
The anticipated energy savings for each action plan shall be estimated and the actual energy savings achieved shall be determined.
Information on the energy performance improvements related to the energy performance improvement claim shall be established and maintained for each certification period (initial and recertification).
4.5 Implementation and operation
4.5.1 General
The action plans and other actions necessary to achieve the intended SEP performance level shall be implemented.
4.5.2 Competence, training, and awareness
Training needs related to the significant energy uses and the actions implemented to address those needs shall be recorded.
The training needs for the energy team and the actions implemented to address those needs shall be recorded.
4.5.3 Communication
A method for communicating with the SEP Administrator shall be established and maintained as part of the external communication process.
4.5.4 Documentation
There are no additional requirements at this time.
4.6 Checking
4.6.1 Monitoring, measurement and analysis
Key characteristics shall include the SEnPI. The data from the end of the achievement period shall be no more than eleven (11) months old at the time of the Stage 2 certification audit or recertification audit.
For recertification, the achievement period shall be 36 months.
NOTE: See the SEP Certification Protocoif or additional information on approvals for changes in baseline.
4.6.2 Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and other requirements There are no additional requirements at this time.
4.6.3 Internal audit of the EnMS
At least once in every certification cycle, and prior to initial certification, the organization shall conduct an internal audit:
a) using the SEP M& V Protocolto determine the energy performance claim to be included in the SEP Application for certification or recertification;
b) that includes, for Gold and Platinum facilities, auditing of the credits claimed in the SEP Scorecard.ANSI GTESS MSE 50021  pdf download.


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