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ANSI ESTA E1.41 pdf free download

ANSI ESTA E1.41 pdf free download.Recommendations for Measuring and Reporting Photometric Performance Data for Entertainment Luminaires Utilizing Solid State Light Sources.
3.1.2 Delta(u,v)
For each CCT value a Delta(u,v) value shall be reported showing the deviation of the measured color coordinates from the black body or Planckian locus. Delta(u,v) should be reported conventionally as a distance on the u,v chromaticity chart, and should be reported as a positive value for points above the Planckian locus and as a negative value for those below.
3.1.3 Ambient Temperature
The ambient temperature in degrees Celsius while the photometric measurements were made shall be reported. The luminaire shall be operated at its maximum lumen output for 15 minutes in this ambient temperature environment before the photometric measurements are made.
3.2 Specific Requirements
3.2.1 Lumen Output
The lumen output as specified in ANSI El .9 -2007 (R2012) Clause 3.1.6, when producing white light of a reported CCT, shall be reported.
3.2.2 Luminaire Efficacy
The luminaire efficacy when producing white light of a reported CCT shall be reported. Luminaire efficacy is calculated as the total lumen output of the luminaire in lumens divided by the power consumption of the luminaire in watts and is reported in lmiW. This figure is sometimes called the “wall-plug efficacy.”
The point in the electrical system where the power consumption was measured, and whether the supplied voltage was AC or DC shall be reported.
If the luminaire being characterized is an automated luminaire, then measurement should be taken with all functions of the luminaire stationary, except for fans and other moving devices required to provide essential cooling for the luminaire.
3.2.4 Quiescent Power Consumption
The power consumption of the luminaire in watts and the associated power factor when producing no light output shall be reported.
If the luminaire being characterized is an automated luminaire then measurement should be taken with all the functions of the luminaire stationary, except for fans and other moving devices required to provide essential cooling for the luminaire.
3.2.5 Fidelity Index
The Fidelty Index (Rt) when producing white light of a reported CCT shall be reported. The Fidelity Index reported shall be as defined in IES TM-30-15, IES Method for Evaluating Light Source Color Rendition.
3.2.6 Gamut Index
The Gamut Index (Rg) when producing white light of a reported CCT shall be reported. The Gamut Index reported shall be as defined in IES TM-30-15, IES Method for Evaluating Light Source Color Rendition.
3.2.7 Modulation Frequency
The modulation frequency in Hz of the luminaire when measured at 100% output lumens and 50% output lumens shall be reported.
4 Requirements for Colored Light Measurement
In addition to the requirements stated in ANSI El .9 — 2007 (R201 2), photometric data reports for entertainment luminaires utilizing solid state light sources shall include the following additional information for colored light measurement. If the luminaire utilizes more than three color primaries then all measurements should be taken at the mix of those primaries that produces the highest lumen output at the specified color.
4.1 Ambient Temperature
The ambient temperature in degrees Celsius while the photometric measurements were made shall be reported. The luminaire shall be operated at its maximum lumen output for 15 minutes in this ambient temperature environment before the photometric measurements are made.ANSI ESTA E1.41 pdf download.


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