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ANSI C63.27 pdf free download

ANSI C63.27 pdf free download.American National Standard for Evaluation of Wireless Coexistence.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards
Dkiionarv Online9 and ANSI C63.14-2014’° should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.
Unless otherwise noted, the definitions of this clause apply throughout this document.
3.1 Definitions
co-channel: Operation in the same channel.
coexience: (A) The ability of two or more spectrum-dependent devices or networks to operate without harmful interference. (IEEE Std 1900.1-2008 [B28]) See a/so: interference. (B) The ability of one system to perform a task in a given shared environment where other systems have an ability to perform their tasks and may or may not be using the same set of rules. (IEEE Std 802.15.3-2016 [B29]) (C) A state of acceptable co-channel and/or adjacent channel operation of two or more radio systems (possibly using different wireless access technologies) within the same geographical area. (IEEE Std 802.16-2012 [830])
(D) A situation in which one radio system operates in an environment where another radio system having potentially different characteristics [e.g., radio access technology (RAT)] may be using the same or different channels, and both radio systems are able to operate with some tolerable impact to each other. (ETSI EN 303 145 Vl.2.l [B17]) Si,,: RF coexistence; wireless coexistence.
EUT companion device: The corresponding wireless node that is wirelessly communicating with the EUT [e.g., of a wireless fidelity (Wi-Fl) access point].
frequency hand: A frequency allocation that has been made available for use by a wireless device by a regulatory authority.
functional wireless performance (FWP): The subset of the total functionality that both uses the wireless capabilities of the EUT and would result in unacceptable consequences if degraded or disrupted.
likelihood of coexistence (LoC): An estimation of the EUT’s ability to provide its FWP in the intended use environment.
operational frequency range: The range of frequencies that may be occupied by an intended transmission.
The evaluation process begins with a statement of the purpose and deliverables desired from coexistence testing. Testing can be performed for a variety of reasons. Depending on the final purpose for doing the coexistence testing. the test plan and deliverables can be different. Examples of different purposes for coexistence testing and deliverables arc as follows:
To develop user guidance necessary to achieve a desired level of reliable operation. In this case the deliverables can be guidance to the user on the maximum recommended operational distance between communicating devices and the minimum recommended separation distances to equipment that has the potential to cause loss of FWP due to interference.
— To determine the potential for .cuccess/il operation of the FWP with regard to coexistence. The deliverables for this purpose can be a risk assessment, written with the intention that it be a part of a larger and more extensive total risk assessment for the product.
— To estimate the user experience. When the purpose is to predict the user experience, the test results are applied to the understanding of the intended operating environment to estimate the user experience in the intended operating environments. In estimating user experience, additional factors, beyond those included in testing, are involved. The resulting estimation has an evaluation uncertainty, which includes the measurement uncertainty (MU) of the test results, the estimation of the variability in the operating environment, and the certainty of the operating environment data used in preparing the estimate.
To diagnose complaints and failure reports, reproduce those field environments, and qua fl/i’ modifications thai rL’mc’diate the product pc’rfbrmnancc’. With this objective, the deliverables will include evidence that the problematic field environment has been reproduced and that test modifications can he expected to achieve desired levels of performance.
To iden ti/i’ the intended environment parameters at which the EUTJiils to coexist. Coexistence among wireless devices is dependent on three main parameters: 1) frequency, 2) range, and 3) time. An investigation can be done by varying each parameter accordingly. [)iffering deliverables afft the test plan for example, determining the parameters of the unintended signal(s). The test results arc reported to flulfill the test plan deliverable. ANSI C63.27  pdf download.


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