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ANSI AWWA G481-14 pdf free download

ANSI AWWA G481-14 pdf free download.Reclaimed Water Program Operation and Management.
The following definitions shall apply in this standard.
1. Backflow-prevention assembly: One of several approved devices, selected according to the cross-connection risk, to protect higher-quality water from contamination from any lesser-quality water. May include devices to protect potable water from degradation by reclaimed water, wastewarer, or greywater, or degrading reclaimed water from degradation by wastewater or greywater.
2. Certification: Licensed assurance of competency by a government agency or professional organization.
3. Commodity rates: The amount of water billed per unit used.
4. Cross connection: A physical or potential connection in a plumbing system through which a potable water supply could be contaminated by nonpotable water.
5. Customer: The user of reclaimed water.
6. Delivery point: The point of connection to the reclaimed water system at which the reclaimed water is delivered by the purveyor and accepted by the customer.
7. Direct reuse: The use of reclaimed water for potable purposes without first discharging to a water supply source.
8. Dualdistribution systems: Two separate water piping systems distributing water to customers, one carrying potable water and the other conveying lesser- quality water (e.g., nonpotable reclaimed water) for nonpotable purposes.
9. Escherichia coli (E. co/i): A fecal coliform bacteria species used as an indicator of wastewater pollution.
10. Fecal colform: Coliforms present in the feces of warm-blooded animals. Aerobic and facultative, gram-negative, non—spore-forming, rod-shaped bacteria capable of growth at 44.5°C (112°F).
11. Grey water: Untreated household used water—such as wash or rinse water from a sink, bathtub, or other household plumbing fixture, except a toilet— that does not contain human wastes.
12. Indirect reuse: The use of reclaimed water for non potable purposes by first discharging to a water supply source.
13. Mandatory reuse zone (MRZ,): An area where the use of reclaimed water is required if available.
14. Nonpotable war-er: Water that may contain objectionable pollution, contamination, minerals, or infective agents and is considered unsafe, unpalatable, or both, for drinking.
1 5. Potable water: Water that is safe and satisfactory for drinkIng and cooking.
16. Producer. The entity responsible for the production of reclaimed water; may also be a purveyor, may hold the reclaimed water permit, and may also be the agency of primacy for requirements in permit (order) from permitting agency (see Purveyor).
17. Purveyor: Distributor, wholesaler, supplier, and/or retailer of reclaimed water. For purposes of this standard, the term purveyor shall also include producers of reclaimed water unless otherwise defined (see Producer).
18. Reclaimed water: Wastewater that has been treated and recovered for useful purposes and, as used in this standard, is produced, managed, and distributed to specific reclaimed water users by a state-authorized water and/or wastewater utility.
19. Reclaimed water user agreement: Legally binding utility service agreement between the utility supplier and reclaimed water users that establishes terms and conditions of service; reclaimed water supply availability (average, minimum, maximum), timing, quality, and cost; and responsibilities of both
parties for signage. use control, and compliance monitoring.
20. Recycled water: Term selected in some states and countries that is synonymous with reclaimed water.
21. Retrofitting: Modifications needed to provide reclaimed water to existing and established sites (or customers) through the installation of new or modified reclaimed water dual distribution systems and appurtenances.ANSI AWWA G481-14 pdf download.


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