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ANSI ISA TR 106.00.02 pdf free download

ANSI ISA TR 106.00.02 pdf free download.Procedure Automation for Continuous Process Operations – Work Processes.
4 Automated procedure lifecycle reference model This technical report organizes work processes for developing and maintaining automated procedures into a lifecycle reference model in order to provide context to work processes and make them more sustainable. The lifecycle reference model described in this technical report is intended to be incorporated into an operating organization’s project methodology, such as common gate-oriented or“V model” project methodologies. The integration of the lifecycle reference model and associated work processes into an organization’s project methodology is a critical success factor for achieving financial and operational success with procedure automation. The lifecycle reference model and associated work processes may be scaled up, for large and“mega” projects, or scaled down for operational activities as appropriate for each organization’s requirements. Figure 1 depicts the ISA106 automated procedure lifecycle reference model. In this model the rounded rectangles represent the work processes, or their deliverables, that are directly related to the lifecycle of automated procedures.
The lifecycle instance shown in Figure 1 as a dashed rectangle represents the work processes involved in automating procedures for a project. A lifecycle instance may be part of any size project, from a large capital project to a small operating project. Example 1 A lifecycle instance involving large teams of people and requiring the automation of hundreds or thousands of procedures such as part of the construction of a large integrated petrochemical site, or executed in conjunction with a major control system upgrade, replacement, or migration. . Example 2 A lftecycle instance involving the automation of one procedure on a speific piece of process equipment by a single individual. Example 3 An item is added to the physical model. Lifecycle instances are initiated by a new project or major change to the physical model, procedure requirements model or procedure implementation model. When a lifecycle instance is started, a snapshot of the current procedure automation strategy, consisting of the procedure automation philosophy and toolkits, is used as input. Subsequent projects will also receive snapshots of the then current versions of these items when they start. Therefore, the procedure automation strategy snapshots used by lifecycle instances may differ. Differences in the procedure automation strategy snapshots used by each lifecycle instance, including updates to the procedure automation strategy, are managed as appropriate for each project and organization. Figure 2 ilustrates the concept of each lifecycle instance receiving a snapshot of the procedure automation strategy.5.1.1 Alignment with business goals While the procedure automation philosophy is a technical document targeted to project engineers and managers, it is aligned with an organization’s business goals in order to be successful and deliver the business impact expected. Those responsible for creating and maintaining the procedure automation philosophy document work with business leaders to understand the business goals. They also provide input to the business planning process so business decisions such as plant location, process to be used, operations and maintenance staffing levels, and risk management can factor in the impact automating procedures can have on the construction and operation of a plant. These exchanges are typically done as an iterative process. A well- documented procedure automation philosophy can help reduce the number of iterations by making data available to the business planning process early in the timeline. Example 1 Typical business drivers are to reduce cost by X%, reduce product variability, make safe operation #1 and have high unit availability. Automated procedures can be used to help achieve these goals. Example 2 Cost is an important driver – keep it simple to keep costs down. Example 3 Safety is critical – it drives the automated procedure philosophy.ANSI ISA TR 106.00.02  pdf download.


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