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ANSI AWWA C707 pdf free download

ANSI AWWA C707 pdf free download.Encoder-Type Remote- Registration Systems for Cold-Water Meters.
4.2. 1 A Icter reiister assembly. Systems shall provide tbr visual register reading at the meter.
4.2.1 . I I nstal hit ion and removal. Ihe meter register assembly sh1i II be designed to provide field installation and removal. Sealed register. The meter register assemL)ly shall be straight reading. permanently sealed iw the rnanuficturer, or have replaceable change gears and Shall not be afIcted by temperature variations ranging from 32°F (0°C) to 105°F (40°C). No port ion of the reduction gearing or totalizing mechanism with in the register shall he iii contact with the measured water. For units designed for outdoor or meter pit placement, the meter register assembly shall additionally be unaffected by prolonged submergence tinder water or operation in a cyclical high humidity (100 percent relative humidit in the temperature range of 32°F to 105°F) condens— ing atmosphere (seeing register temperatures below the dew point). Verify register operation. il’ie meter register asseml)lv shall be designed to permit verification o register operation and accuracy by the use of a test hand, index circle(s), or the electronic equivalent capable ol displaying I/i,oon of the maximum allowable initial dial indication. Equipped for testing. 1 be meter register assembly shall be equipped with a test hand, test index circle, or test number wheel. StifTIcicnt combinations of test hand, index circle(s), number wheels, or the electronic equivalent capable of displaying 1/L00() of the maximum allowable initial dial indication shall he provided to consistently meet the test accuracy requirements of individual meter standards
(ANSI/AWWA C700. C701. C702. C703, C()8, C710. and (:712). Registration units. ihe units shall he clearly visible on the face of the meter register assembly, and the registration shall show units in cubic fet, US gallons. or cubic meters.
4.2. 1 .6 Numbering provision. If specified by the purchaser. provision shall be made fbr the purchaser to allix a customer or meter number that shall be visible from the normal register viewing angle. Number—wheel numerals. 11w numbers on the numeral wheels shall nor be less than S/ fl• (3.9 mm) in lwight. with contrasting colors to be easily legible and should be readable at a 45° angle from the vertical. \Vhefl contrasting color wheels are used, they shall be as specified in the purchaser’s supplemental opt ions. Register capacity and initial dial indication. .1 be maximum mdications of digits appearing on the first odometer wheel and minimum capacity of the register shall conform to the requirements set flrth within “Maximum indications On tuitial dial and mini mum register capacity” tables for the particular meter type and meter size on which the assembly is being installed. Register lacel)late. Ihe meter register assembly faceplate shall be white for meters for potable water and lavender for meters for reclaimed water.
4.2.2 Si,iiii encoder assembly. Installation and removal. 11w special encoder assembly shall he designed to provide field installation and removal. Assembly drag. 11w signal (data) encoder assembly shall not induce drag that would result in premature wear of the meter or cause the meter to register below the accurac requirement of the applicable AW\VA meter standard. Index mechanism. ihe register shall not display ambiguous reads.ANSI AWWA C707 pdf download.


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