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ANSI PGMA G300 pdf free download

Following the above conditioning, tile control system and sensing element is placed in a lest chamber that incorporates a CO analyzer. carbon monoxide is introduced in tile test clianiber SO thai a uniform concentration of 810 — 850 ppm is achieved in the test chain ber within three to five minutes. The control system s/ia/i generate a .signal to shut off the portable generator engine be/öre a carbon monoxide concentration exceeding 800 ppm is present in the lest chamber.
After (lie signal to s/lilt off the portable generator engine is generated, a simulated portable generator engine start signal is sent to the control system, while maintaining a uniform concentration of 810 – 850 ppm in the test cli amber. T/i e control system shall generate a signal to shut off the portable generator engine within 30 seconds oft/ic introduction of the sun ii lated portable geii erator engine .start signal.
Purge the test chamber with fresh air to remove all CO and clear any accumulated CO control system history. Introduce carbon monoxide into the test chamber sue/i that a uniform concentration of 410 —430 ppm is achieved within three to five minutes. The control system shall generate a signal to shut off the portable generator engine before the 10 minute rolling average exceeds 400 ppm. The 10 minute rolling average is calculated by the average measurement of the CO anal j’zer over the prior 10 mninute period, with the initial 10 minute time period starting at or be/öre i/ic introduction o/carbon monoxide imito the test chamber.
NOTE It is intended that the portable generator system for controlling CO exposure provides a shutoff signal before the 10 minute rolling average CO concentration exceeds 400 ppm (not just when the measured concentration continuously exceeds 400 ppm for 10 minutes). It is not intended that the portable generator system for controlling CO exposure will reset the rolling average calculation if a concentration less than 400 ppm is measured. Furthermore, it is intended that the portable generator system for controlling CO exposure provides a shutoff signal in accordance with the 800 ppm single value and the 400 ppm 10 minute rolling average value, independent of the CO accumulation rate or profile. The rolling average is calculated as shown below. Construction of the portable generator shall minimize the risk of incidental damage to the portable generator system for controlling CO exposure.
Compliance is checked by inspection. The portable generator system for controlling CO exposure shall not incorporate any type of override function or feature.
C’ompliance is checked by inspection. Notification
The portable generator system for controlling CO exposure shall include a prominent and conspicuous notification in a readily visible location. The indicator shall contrast with the background color and allow the indicator to be viewed by a user with normal vision under expected visibility conditions and shall be located in a position not easily obscured during use. The notification shall be dedicated to the portable generator system for controlling CO exposure. Components of the notification shall have a design life greater than the end of life of the portable generator system for controlling CO exposure.
Portable generators equipped with remote start capability via a removable control panel shall have visual notifications on both the main portable generator unit, and on the removable control panel. l3oth notifications shall comply with all notification requirements on the portable generator unit contained in this standard. This requirement does not apply to redundant remote controls.
C’omplian ce is checked by inspection. CO Shutoff Event Notification
The portable generator system for controlling CO exposure shall provide a
notification after a CO shutoff event. The notification shall be a red indication and may be blinking, with a maximum period of 2 seconds.
The notification shall remain for a minimum of 5 minutes after a shutoff occurs unless the portable generator engine is restarted. If the portable generator engine is restarted, the notification shall not be present.
compliance is checked by the lest specified in 6.2.11.ANSI PGMA G300 pdf download.


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