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ANSI SCTE 194-1 pdf free download

ANSI SCTE 194-1 pdf free download.DTS-HD AUDIO SYSTEM- Part 1: Coding Constraints for Cable Television.
6.3. Metadata Support
The DTS-HD bitstream supports a variety of metadata parameters, described in TS 102 114 [1]. The following sections provide a brief summary of the metadata controlling dialog normalization, dynamic range compression and down mixing.
Only one set of metadata exists for a given presentation. In the case of a core substream with a dependent extension substream, the core substream carries the metadata. When an independent presentation exists in the extension substream, the metadata is carried in the extension substream.
6.3.1. Dialog Normalization
Dialog normalization inetadata shall he present.
For the case of the core substream, the dialog normalization metadata may be stored in the Rev2AUX data chunk, as described in clause 5.7.2 of TS 102 114 [1] as DIALNORM_rev2aux.
If DIALNORM_rev2aux exists in the core substream, then DIALNORM, as described in clause 5.3.1 of TS 102 114 [1] shallbeignored.
For the case of the extension substream, the dialog normalization metadata is stored in the parameter nuDialNormCode, as described in TS 102 114 [1] clause
The value of the dialog normalization parameters in the DTS bit stream shall indicate the loudness of the corresponding encoded audio content (typically of the average spoken dialogue) using LKFS units. LKFS and its loudness measurement algorithm are specified in ITU-R Recommendation BS.1770 Annex 1 [2]. Receivers use the value of the dialog normalization parameter to adjust the reproduced audio level to normalize the loudness.
6.3.2. Dynamic range compression
Dynamic range compression metadata in the DTS-HD bitstream is optional.
For the case of the extension substream, the equivalent metadata is stored in the header of the audio asset descriptor block of the extension substream header as described in Table 5.
bDRCMetadataRev2Present is a Boolean parameter to signal the presence of DRC metadata. DRCversion_Rev2 is a 4-bit version code. Currently only version 1 is supported, which is a single band
compression curve.
nuExSSFrameDurationCode is defined in TS 102 114 [11 clause 7.4.1 and indicates the frame duration in samples.
DRCCoeffRev2 is an 8-bit code that represents a gain modifier to be applied against the subsubframe of samples. The same multiplier is applied across all channels. Coefficient smoothing is applied to prevent transient artifacts at subsubfrarne boundaries.
For the case of the core substream. dynamic range compression metadata is stored in the Rev2 auxiliary data chunk. Details of this metadata block are found in TS 102 114 [1], clause 5.7.2. A suhsubFramcDRC_Rev2AUX[j parameter exists for each subsubfrarne of audio (every 5.33 ms). The DRC_Rev2AUX parameters are coded and treated identically to the DRCCoefLRev2 paranieters in the extension substream.
DYNF shall always he set to 0.
6.3.3. Down-mixing parameters
Down-mixing parameters are optional in the DTS-HD bitstream.
For the case of a core substream, if down-mixing parameters are present, they shall be stored in the Auxiliary Data area. This is described in detail in TS 102 114 [1]. clause 5.7.1.
For the case of an asset in an extension substream. if down-mixing parameters are present they shall be stored in the extension substream header as described in TS 102 114 [1] clause C.8.
In the event that no downmix parameters are included in the audio stream, default parameters defined in the decoder shall be used.ANSI SCTE 194-1 pdf download.


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